Effective Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

Marketing Audit

Marketing Audit

Is some of your marketing working but other campaigns falling flat? Do you feel like your marketing program is missing something that you can’t quite identify? Sometimes, businesses need a smaller, more immediate review of their marketing efforts rather than an all-encompassing, broad strategy development. For those companies, a marketing audit may be a perfect fit for you.

During a marketing audit, our team at TS Consulting reviews every piece of literature, the website, current campaigns, social media, and other facets of the current marketing program. At the same time, we discuss the goals the client has for the business and for the marketing specifically. From there, we can identify potential holes in the marketing program or misalignment between various campaigns and the overall goals.

At the conclusion of the audit, TS Consulting presents the client with a summary of our findings and an outline of recommendations. The client then takes our recommendations and implements them in its business as it sees fit. A marketing audit is not a solution for major issues in a marketing program; however, it can offer some insight into why a current program is not performing up to standards or how it could be improved in the future.

A marketing audit can also be a great first step in developing a working relationship with TS Consulting. Perhaps you are interested in developing your marketing strategy, but you are unsure what it is like working with a marketing consultant. This marketing audit process will allow you to experience our work in action, and it will provide you with ideas/recommendations for your business regardless if you do any future work with TS Consulting. We take pride in helping small businesses succeed on their own terms, and we would love to show you how we could help you. Want to see what your marketing program may be missing? Contact us today for a free consultation.
