Effective Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses
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Persona Creation

Target Persona Creation

When you are dealing with a limited supply of resources, ensuring that you get the most return on investment is critical to success. However, how do you determine the distribution of your time and budget? Who is your target audience?

It can be easy to throw money into various marketing campaigns and then see what works and what doesn’t, essentially doing trial and error until you happen upon success. But there is a better way. Identifying your target market and developing a brand that speaks directly to those individuals can ensure that your marketing efforts resonate with the right people and bring you the desired traffic, inquiries and ultimately sales.

As a business owner, you need to be able to get into the mind of your consumer and identify what tactics and messaging resonate with your customers. In order to do that, you first have to define who your audience is, and the creation of an ideal persona is often a great way to do so.

TS Consulting will work with you to identify segments of the market that would be appealing for your business, and from there we develop a character persona for your marketing campaigns to target. Perhaps your ideal customer is a 40-year-old male. What problem is he trying to fix? How does he shop? What is important to him? Knowing the answers to these questions help you create marketing campaigns that will speak directly to him and generate the desired result.

Maybe your business has several identifiable segments, and if so, we will work with you create a persona for each segment so that your campaigns hit all the necessary targets. Regardless of how many personas your business has, creating a character for your marketing to target helps you focus your marketing efforts on the segments that matter most. Ready to discover who your target persona is? Contact TS Consulting today for a free consultation.

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