Effective Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses
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MarketSharp Optimization

MarketSharp Optimization

When you are a small business and crunched for time, taking the time to record your appointment results, close ratios, marketing spend and the like may seem unnecessary, but the information contained in that data can offer huge insights into the health of your organization.

At TS Consulting, we highly recommended using some sort of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to track your data, and we have years of experience optimizing the MarketSharp CRM system. Specially formulated for the home improvement industry, MarketSharp not only offers tools for tracking metrics but is also provides opportunities to market to customers and create automated marketing campaigns. Want to know how well a specific marketing campaign performed relative to another? Review their cost per appointment metrics or sales generated. Want to compare closing rates between your salespeople to see who needs more training? MarketSharp reports offer this and so much more.

If you are in need of a CRM system and interested in MarketSharp, our team will work with you to get the system setup and tracking the specific data that is relevant to your organization. Or if you already use MarketSharp, we can dive into your use and see what elements can be improved upon or added entirely. While MarketSharp is far from the only CRM tool available, we feel it is especially helpful for organizations within the home improvement industry. We love being able to use our prior experience to make data tracking easier for clients and to provide them baseline numbers that reflect the trends in their business.

Interested in learning more about MarketSharp? You can visit their website here and schedule a demo with them to learn more. Or if you are ready to optimize your MarketSharp system and tailor it specifically to your business, contact us for a free consultation.
